In the name of love

can you name this song?

can you name this song?

The song is pride by U2. When this song came out my life could not have been more of a mess. It was a feat for me back then just to make it through a day. I was in a dark place headed for a even darker place. I have changed a lot since then but it’s amazing how I keep going back to the same bad behaviors. No matter what I do. No matter what I try. I keep churning up the same old behavior patterns. It’s a cycle I want to break. This year I am trying to do things differently than I have in the passed. I am try to keep love in the for front by drawing a heart every day. I need to remind myself what is important or I could easily end up in that same dark place once again.

2021-07-03T14:52:25-08:30March 20th, 2015|

Love walks the line

I am a big country fan

I am a big country fan

I slept two hours last night. I was tired all day at work. When I come home I am full of energy. It’s almost 11pm and I am not tired. This is killing me. I could really use a good nights sleep. I have become a big country fan in the last couple of years and Johnny Cash is one of my favorites. He had a amazing voice. I love music. I need music every day in my life. It really helps me get through the day. A lot of times I have nothing to give but that music I heard all day gave me just enough love to draw a heart.

2021-07-03T14:52:25-08:30March 19th, 2015|

It’s love silly

I wish I was silly tonight

I wish I was silly tonight

Today was one of those days that felt off. I dropped a gallon of milk in the morning. Everything just isn’t going well. I have to options. TO laugh about it or get upset. I choose to laugh about it. I need to be done getting angry. It only gives me a headache. It doesn’t get me any where and only makes matters worse. I am going to try to do something different than I have done my whole life. I am going to let it go. I am going to let the crazy jerk trying to cut me off in. I am going to stop trying to get justice. I am going to laugh. Most importantly I am going to love those closest to me. Drawing these hearts may be changing me.

2021-07-03T14:52:25-08:30March 18th, 2015|

Irish heart

I love that I am Irish

I love that I am Irish

My grandfather came here from Ireland. He was a orphan. He was poor. He was a indentured servant for seven years on a farm just to come here. He worked hard his whole life. He never knew his full name. Almost 30 years after my grandparents had their first 3 kids my dad came. He was a very big surprise. Soon after he was born both his parents passed away. He was raised by his brother. His brothers kids were the same age as my dad. My dad served in the army. At times he was gone for a year on a tour. My parents divorced when I was young. I am the first person in 3 generations to give my kids a stable home. I have been married 20 years. It’s a miracle I am here today if you look at my family history. It’s really a miracle we are all here. Love is powerful. No matter how much hate there is. No matter how many wars. We will keep loving. I keep drawing a heart every day to remind myself to be more loving. We have the power to change the world with our love. Draw a heart and think about love today. It will make the world a better place. You just wait and see.

2021-07-03T14:52:26-08:30March 17th, 2015|

My heart is smoking

where there is smoke there is fire

where there is smoke there is fire

A friend of mine told me to check out Kendrick Lamar’s new album To pimp a butterfly. We all have pain inside of ourselves. It’s not always easy to get it out. I live with it every day. It’s always nice to hear an artist freely express their self. It is not easy to go against the flow. We will never be free of the pain but we can heal the wound. It’s time for us to embrace love more than hate. It’s not always easy to love our neighbor but if we put our minds on love it may be possible. Draw a heart. Think about love every day people.

2021-07-03T14:52:26-08:30March 16th, 2015|

love helps out

sometimes a little messy but it gives all it can

sometimes a little messy but it gives all it can

I did not really sleep last night. I had some tea that must of been loaded with caffeine. I woke up at one and couldn’t get back to bed no matter what I tried. I do think love is very helpful. I am here today because people love me. When I have been down people have lifted me up. When I did have two nickels to rub together friends helped me find work. The most important thing is that people have believed in me. At times more than I believe in myself. You can’t make it in this life really with out a group of people that love you. I am glad drawing these hearts have changed my heart.

2021-07-03T14:52:26-08:30March 15th, 2015|

please turn to flesh

it's slowly turning

it’s slowly turning

I was going to make a little stone heart but I forgot it at work. I like the piece. I should have done less white for the lines in the stone. I used a white crayon for the letters. Then I used water colors over it. Then I wiped off the paint on the lettering. Truthfully I feel this is my heart. When I think I am doing well I have a day that I get really upset. Then I realize that I had been holding in my true feelings. I have changed since I begin drawing these hearts almost a year ago. I keep thinking about love every day. Let’s see if loving can be a habit.

2021-07-03T14:52:26-08:30March 14th, 2015|

love old friends

the best part friends no matter how many years have past

the best part friends no matter how many years have past

It was great to get out and see a old friend. That is the best thing about friendship is no matter how many years have passed you are still friends as though no time has passed. Love is one of the great things we have as human beings. I am tired. I had a little drink which has made me more tired. I wanted to make sure I drew my heart before the night had ended.

2021-07-03T14:52:26-08:30March 13th, 2015|

Love is there even when everyone else leaves

Love will never leave you

Love will never leave you

Hollywood is a town that until you have something it thinks will make money it wants nothing to do with you. It’s a rough town. You have to except that. Love will never leave you. Love will always hold you up even when you feel like falling down. It’s hard to always be strong in this town. Many times you want to give up. You want to throw the towel in. If you love making art you can’t throw the towel in. You will keep trying. I am not giving up. I have to make it through the night. Tomorrow is a new day were love can lift me up. Love keep changing me and I will keep drawing a heart every day. Never stop loving.

2021-07-03T14:52:26-08:30March 12th, 2015|


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