21 Hearts

21st wedding anniversary

21st wedding anniversary

The kids are watching a movie so I thought I would get a post in before they went to bed. Today I have been married for 21 years. If I was to go back in time and tell myself about all the trials of being married I know what I would say, “Awesome we made it this far and we are still smiling.”  Love isn’t easy. Though I am lucky to be married to the most patient and loving person. Who is willing to follow this crazy dreamer to the ends of the earth. She is supportive of my choices even when they have failed. I think people underestimate the power of being supportive has on a relationship. There will be dark times in any relationship knowing that someone has your back can be the thin sliver that saves it. I am very blessed to be loved as much as I am. They inspire me to be a better human being. Some day I will love them back as much as they love me and it will freak them out. Draw heart and show someone some love today.