Love and socks

love and socks

the only thing I need in this world is your love
and a good pair of socks

I love a good pair of socks. I had a long day. I had to help out Santa today. Which I could of only done with the help of a friend. I am always amazed at the love and generosity of my fellow humans. I am trying to finish this year on a positive note. I think this is the year were I reached for the stars and missed. i came down hard. It really knocked the wind out of me. I have mustard the strength to get back up. You know what is funny about Christmas for me? I just want everyone to be happy. I fret so much about it. It will be a lean Christmas for the kids I can only worry if they’re going to happy until then. Going to jump in the shower and put on a nice pair of warm socks. I miss the california weather so much.

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